Sunday, June 7, 2009

Christians that are Just Plain Irritating…

Since it is Sunday maybe I will share a few thoughts about certain so called Christians that irritate me. To be clear I am not including all Christians in this writing. just the ones who make up emails that get forwarded with manipulative statements at the end like, if you don’t forward this to 8 people in 8 seconds you will catch the plague and die. Then they tell me, after forwarding the email, I will receive a miracle or a blessing.
Who do these people think they are? How arrogant, to think they can say, the creator of the universe will do this or that. If I was them I would be a little afraid that I myself might get the plague and die. I think somehow they think this God is their little puppet. Don’t they remember that the God in the Old Testament wiped out complete nations? Maybe they should be a little afraid of a God that does things like that.
Now these people who forward these pathetic messages I do not hold to the same level of responsibility as those who originate them. I feel sad that they are part of it and allow themselves to be manipulated. I have been manipulated myself by either misguide or just plain evil Christians (now that’s an oxymoron) many times; maybe that is why I hate it so much. There are evil people in the church just like anywhere else so any of you who are reading this and say, see even a Christian thinks the Church is bad. Sorry, that is weak. People are screwed up everywhere you find people and maybe the church has more than its share – in fact any helping or service organization I think has more than their fair share of screwed up people. Heck, I work for one myself; if you have read my blog that should remove all doubt.
If you are a Christian and think you need to straighten me out – go for it.
Well, there you go, that’s what I think about that – do I think it will make a difference? No. D’OH!


As the Mind Meanders said...

Now... these are "smart" Christians...

Simply Ridiculous said...

Haha... It's the same everywhere.. The world is full of stupid ridiculous people whether they are Christians or hindus or Muslims!!

Grayquill said...

Mr. Mind Meanders,
I am glad you see the light.

Mr. Simply Ridiculous,
Does that go for Atheists too? But I agree of course why I wouldn’t? And, that isn’t a bit ridiculous.
BTW – I love your Blog – a belly laughing good time!

silverine said...

I have actually written back to these people telling them not to malign Christianity! Thanks for dropping by. Loved your blog. Will drop by again!

Grayquill said...

Silverine - Thanks for taking the time.