A hat is usually my friend. Normally, they serve me in so many ways, sometimes just a comforting covering keeping me warm, sometimes they make a great umbrella, sometimes they keep me cool, and sometimes they just make me look cool. Yeah, that’s right, cool, don’t be mocking me!
Now, that I have aged just a little and lost more hair than my fair share my hats are worn often. But, I got to tell you, advertising companies or sports teams on my head – I am just not into that. Now, if they would like to pay me to wear their logo on my head, well, maybe then we can talk. But, until that time happens I prefer the plain no logo hat.
There is a little bit of a problem trying to find a plain hat with no logo on it. Even my bike helmet has a logo on the back. I fooled them; a small piece of gray duct tape solved that little problem – Hah! Sorry, that was a little tangent I will do my best to stay on point. But that reminds me. As you get older staying on task is getting harder? Oops, another tangent. Sorry. Back to my hat dilemma and you might find this tid bit of information useful. I somehow realized somewhere there were hats, millions of hats, in probably hundreds of huge warehouses just sitting waiting to have logos printed or embroidered on them. Yip – you guessed it – Googled Wholesale hats. In lickity spit time I bought 12 hats all black for $1.75 each. Can you believe it? Now when my hat gets a little dirty I just toss it and put a on a new one. Jealous, right? I bet you are. I bet you have five or six hats, all with nasty sweat rings, rips, grease, or some other marred marking making them less than desirable. You too can have this clean dapper look. I will sell them to you for a mere $5.00 each. Kidding – can’t you take a joke? Okay it’s not a joke. Yes, it is. DO'H!
Well, here I was on Valentine’s Day and I had on one of my nice new black hats. My bride and I went out to a nice restaurant (Yes, of course I wore my hat – why wouldn’t I?) and we had nice conversation. Then later we came back to our special valentines’ day hotel room – Yahoo!
Every once in a while my hat really is less than my friend and details of the Valentines night will have to stay private. But let me just give this one tid-bit of advice. “Men! TAKE YOUR HAT OFF BEFORE GETTING INTO BED. That’s all I got to say about that. Hey, I bet you would look silly naked with a black hat on too.
Now, that I have aged just a little and lost more hair than my fair share my hats are worn often. But, I got to tell you, advertising companies or sports teams on my head – I am just not into that. Now, if they would like to pay me to wear their logo on my head, well, maybe then we can talk. But, until that time happens I prefer the plain no logo hat.
There is a little bit of a problem trying to find a plain hat with no logo on it. Even my bike helmet has a logo on the back. I fooled them; a small piece of gray duct tape solved that little problem – Hah! Sorry, that was a little tangent I will do my best to stay on point. But that reminds me. As you get older staying on task is getting harder? Oops, another tangent. Sorry. Back to my hat dilemma and you might find this tid bit of information useful. I somehow realized somewhere there were hats, millions of hats, in probably hundreds of huge warehouses just sitting waiting to have logos printed or embroidered on them. Yip – you guessed it – Googled Wholesale hats. In lickity spit time I bought 12 hats all black for $1.75 each. Can you believe it? Now when my hat gets a little dirty I just toss it and put a on a new one. Jealous, right? I bet you are. I bet you have five or six hats, all with nasty sweat rings, rips, grease, or some other marred marking making them less than desirable. You too can have this clean dapper look. I will sell them to you for a mere $5.00 each. Kidding – can’t you take a joke? Okay it’s not a joke. Yes, it is. DO'H!
Well, here I was on Valentine’s Day and I had on one of my nice new black hats. My bride and I went out to a nice restaurant (Yes, of course I wore my hat – why wouldn’t I?) and we had nice conversation. Then later we came back to our special valentines’ day hotel room – Yahoo!
Every once in a while my hat really is less than my friend and details of the Valentines night will have to stay private. But let me just give this one tid-bit of advice. “Men! TAKE YOUR HAT OFF BEFORE GETTING INTO BED. That’s all I got to say about that. Hey, I bet you would look silly naked with a black hat on too.
Reading your post makes me feel I too should get one
Pesto - Only One? - why not 12?they are cheaper by the dozen.
I don't like wearing hats with logos. I don't really like wearing anything with logos because I think it's gaudy--especially the ones on the sunglasses that girls wear.
I was looking for a plain black visor though, but couldn't really find one that fit well (most of them were cheap and sat crooked. or maybe my head is crooked).
anyway, cute dog!!
A kindred spirit - Thank you, I was feeling so lonely.
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