It was an evening of grunting, pushing, and pulling. I am getting too old for such nonsense… have I got your curiosity up yet? Well it was really nothing very exciting at all. I was helping my wife move her classroom…I am pretty sure that some union socialist should be pretty mad at me about now. Think of the all the pay I deprived him/her of. All that rule breaking didn’t come without a cost though. Aches and pains have been punishing me for several days.
On a brighter note or maybe a sadder note, depending how you look at it, this could be good or bad. I bought a new old car and I have been holding my head up high like a proud peacock driving around town and that has been good; no that’s bad because it was only because my pride wouldn’t let me drive my old beat up truck anymore; somehow thinking a 57 year old guy should have something better to drive was just plain prideful and that’s bad; no that’s good because in spite of the pride the old truck needed a rest and you have allowed it to live a few more months or years and that’s good; no that’s bad because now I have to pay insurance on something that is almost dead and that I will rarely drive and that’s bad, no that’s good because not driving the old truck will give you a sense of being green making the old truck last longer and that’s good; no that’s bad because your yard is looking like a used car lot with an old beat up truck sitting off in a corner and that’s bad; no that’s good because now there is another place that doesn’t need mowing and that’s good; no that’s bad because the grass will probably die there and that’s bad; no that’s good because it was mostly just weeds there any way and if the weeds die that will be good; no that’s bad because some day you will move the truck to go fishing or to the dump and there will be nothing but a bare muddy place in the yard where you might slip and break your leg and that will be bad; no that’s good because if I break my leg I won’t have to go to the dump and that’s good; no that’s bad because old trucks need to be useful now and then just to keep their feelings intact and not driving it might break the old girls heart and that will be bad, no that’s good because by not driving the old girl you won’t come to realize how old, saggy and sad your old truck really is and then you will want to buy a new perky truck and that will cost a lot of money and be very very bad….oh!