Sometime back, Mr. Blunt Edges tagged me and gave my blog an award. Thanks, I guess. Normally I don’t respond to these tags and this one has taken me a bit of time. Mainly I think these tags are boring but the biggest reason I haven’t done one, they seem like way to much work. I really can’t explain why Mr. Edges was able to manipulate me into doing this but I have decided to spend zero energy in trying to analyze his ploy further. I will do the sevenpart of the tag – but I gotta tell you, I am bit cranky about it.
Here goes… Seven things you don’t know about me.
1) Unlike Blunt Edges I am not an Atheist – Opps I guess maybe you knew that already about me. Even so, I am not changing my number one, it will remain.
2) Like Mr. Edges – I hate kids. I can remember worrying before I had kids if I would like them. Since then I have discovered for the most part kids are great once I bond with them or have some kind of connection. But, if you and your kid are in front of me in line at the grocery store I will pretty much hate you and your kid unless said kids are well behaved.
3) I am Blunt Edges 49th and maybe his 50th follower. Thank you – no applause is necessary.
4) I am a morning person – and have been known to jump up and down on the bed singing, “get up, get up, get out of your bed and open up your eyes and see the shinny skies.” All in an effort to wake up Mrs. Grayquill so we can play – FYI: this tactic has never been successful and I have not tried the tactic for years. Hmmm….maybe I give it another spin, who knows...maybe it will work out better for me after all these years. I wonder if I still have the talent of jumping and singing at the same time?
5) I am with Blunt Edges words – “can’t figure out why, the world’s crazy over Angelina Jolie. Ok, she acts well, but sexiest lady in the world? NO WAY!” BTW: Mr. Edges - The sexist woman would be Mrs. Grayquill of course.
6) I have a weird habit of NOT noticing minute details in movies like. For example, according to Blunt Edges, did you know that in Rang De Basanti (that must be a movie), Karan’s (played by Siddharth) character’s first and last line in the movie (oh, it is a movie) is ‘Nautanki Saala’ – - - Who would be so weird to notice such things? Could his initials be B.E.? I think us folks in the USA are missing some good movies.
7) I take complete credit for ‘converting’ Blunt Edges to writing with complete words on his blog; at least upon occasion. Yesiknowotherspliedtheirencouragementtohimbutwearenotcountingthoseeffortsforthisscenario.
Well now I have completed a tag and it will be a cold day in a very hot place before I ever do this again … Blunt Edges I think I hate you.
Here goes… Seven things you don’t know about me.
1) Unlike Blunt Edges I am not an Atheist – Opps I guess maybe you knew that already about me. Even so, I am not changing my number one, it will remain.
2) Like Mr. Edges – I hate kids. I can remember worrying before I had kids if I would like them. Since then I have discovered for the most part kids are great once I bond with them or have some kind of connection. But, if you and your kid are in front of me in line at the grocery store I will pretty much hate you and your kid unless said kids are well behaved.
3) I am Blunt Edges 49th and maybe his 50th follower. Thank you – no applause is necessary.
4) I am a morning person – and have been known to jump up and down on the bed singing, “get up, get up, get out of your bed and open up your eyes and see the shinny skies.” All in an effort to wake up Mrs. Grayquill so we can play – FYI: this tactic has never been successful and I have not tried the tactic for years. Hmmm….maybe I give it another spin, who knows...maybe it will work out better for me after all these years. I wonder if I still have the talent of jumping and singing at the same time?
5) I am with Blunt Edges words – “can’t figure out why, the world’s crazy over Angelina Jolie. Ok, she acts well, but sexiest lady in the world? NO WAY!” BTW: Mr. Edges - The sexist woman would be Mrs. Grayquill of course.
6) I have a weird habit of NOT noticing minute details in movies like. For example, according to Blunt Edges, did you know that in Rang De Basanti (that must be a movie), Karan’s (played by Siddharth) character’s first and last line in the movie (oh, it is a movie) is ‘Nautanki Saala’ – - - Who would be so weird to notice such things? Could his initials be B.E.? I think us folks in the USA are missing some good movies.
7) I take complete credit for ‘converting’ Blunt Edges to writing with complete words on his blog; at least upon occasion. Yesiknowotherspliedtheirencouragementtohimbutwearenotcountingthoseeffortsforthisscenario.
Well now I have completed a tag and it will be a cold day in a very hot place before I ever do this again … Blunt Edges I think I hate you.
HAHAHA! I think I HEART you both! :D This was entertaining!
I do think you meant to put that your wife is 'sexiest' and not 'sexist', right? Perhaps she's both? Tee hee...
HAPPY NEW YEAR to you and yours! Way to pass on the tag, Blunt Edges!
Can't believe you did a tag.
I'm with you. They are very boring.
But it's always fun to read when others do, like I just did. :-)
Wish you a very happy new year! :-)
Yep, I can't believe you did a tag either. I get them from time to time but I have let it be known that while I appreciate the thought, they take far too much time. But I did want to wish you much joy and love and peace and prosperity in the coming year. I'm glad we bumped into each other's blogs! Have a very Happy, Happy New Year!
I admire your resolve to do a tag. I can't stand them, for one of the reasons you mentioned. Too much work. I don't want to think that much for something trivial. Lol it was a fun read though.
I popped in to wish you a Happy New Year. May your personal sun shine brightly in the coming months.
Your answer to #5 guarantees you the Happiest of New Years and may even reward you for that bouncy bed thing.
Happy New Year to all of yours.
I'm so glad you made yourself do this tag..it was very good. I have to agree with you on #2. I'm not proud of it, since I should be overflowing with maternal feelings and all. I think my kids and grands are the bee's knees, but others not so much.
Have a great New Year Mr. Grayquil..may you and your family have days filled with those wonderful "grayquil moments" and may you continue to share them with all of us!
I enjoyed reading about Mr. Grayquill. Great year ahead Mr. Quill.
Joy always,
he he he.... good one.. guess Blunt Edges will never tag you again...!!!
hahahahaha...i can't stop laughing! :D:D:D
***trying 2 stop laughing n focus on commenting about the "secrets"***
1. i knew that!
2. n that's what u wrote in my comments section!
3. u know its kinda tough 2 keep track when one has so many followers ***false pride-filled laugh***
4. play? play what grayquill? ***raised eyebrow***
5. u sure earn brownie points with that one grayquill!
6. hahahaha...yup it's a movie alright!
7. well, i can't argue much with that!
at the end of this, all i can say is blunt edges has never been publicized like this...n i'm eternally grateful 2 u 4 that...please continue hating this humble soul ;)
Lynda G: Proof reading or the lack of it –gets me in so much trouble. Happy New Year. Thank you for the being the first to comment.
Karthik: Thank you! Happy New Year back at you!
Sylvia K: Thank you for your many comments throughout this past year. You are a real encourager and I for one appreciate you! Happy New Year –
Rose: Please trivial? :) :) I hope this New Year is filled with great and wonderful moments and that you don’t miss a one.
Valerie: Thank you for that nice wish/thought! Happy New Year.
Arkansas Patti: Hmm…you think? Happy New Year and may your great smile be contagious.
Pat: I have enjoyed your many comments on my blog this past year – Thank you! A kindred spirit is always filled with warmth. You are the best!
Susan Deborah: Thanks for stopping by – I hope your New Year is GREAT! Yes!…joy always!
Anita: I like your laugh – Thank you. I think Mr. Edges cannot be controlled.
Mr. Blunt Edges: Hmmm…#3) follower-#50 who could lliuQyarG be? I am glad you enjoyed your tribute. It might be the only one you ever get from me. I thanks for the fun…I think.
Just came across your blog. Got you from Blunt Edges blog :D
Happy New Year!!!
You have a really nice blog!!
Take Care.
You can 't be serious.
Is Mr Blunt Edge from India? The movies are Indian.
Cursed: Thank you for the nice comment – I hope to see you again.
Amrita: I can be serious…
Mr. Blunt Edges is from India – that is if you trust what he writes :)
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