Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dead Brain Cells. . .

Dead brain cells. . . No not from drinking; maybe from breathing alcohol fumes for all those years. I know you’re wondering, what? Don’t worry about it, it’s not important – printing, offset, ink & water balance – ph 5.0 and 15-20 percent alcohol; rollers spinning, alcohol evaporating, eight to ten hours a day 5-6 days a week twenty years, breathing in and out. Maybe a few brain cells were killed off – the point is this – dead brain cells.
That’s my excuse and I am sticking to it for not having a mid week post.
Sunday evening, I did catch a 4-5 lb. pink (humpy) salmon in the Snohomish River with my friend M in his pee wee sized Livingston 8 ft boat, which we over loaded by 65 lbs plus gear. I told him we couldn’t afford to catch to many fish or we would sink. That is why we kept it to one fish each. Did I just see an eyebrow or two raise? Hey in all my posts have you ever known me to make anything up, exaggerate or just flat out lie? Well…there you go. I am glad that’s settled.
The quality of a pink is, well, not all that great. They are bit slimy kind of like a brook trout and they smell a bit bad. So, I smoked my one fish and ate some of it for dinner tonight. The wife walked by while I was mixing a spread out of it. She goes, wooeee smells bad. She elected to forgo a tasty treat. As my mom use to say, ‘All the more for me.’
Fisherman, I know are nothing but liars so here is a picture just to keep things on the up an up.


Michele Mallory-Davidson said...

I disappeared for a bit, but I am back! Just in case you may have missed me, HAHA!
That is one freaky looking fish, not that I know much about fish, but I am pretty sure that one is freaky looking! John caught a Coho last week, pretty proud of himself! It was pretty tasty too, I like Salmon, detest trout, yuck. There is a picture on my blog of John's fishy if you want to see, amongst all the girly stuff!

Bill S. said...

Looks like a blue fish to me!!! The body is missing - must be the alcohol it was swimming in.
enjoyable read.

Arkansas Patti said...

Was that what was left after you ate the "good??"part?
You are a true fisherman.

Rose said...

Well great! Now I have coffee spewed all over my desk and laptop. What a funny post! Thanks for getting my day going with such humor. I must say, I think that is an U G L Y fish. Have a good day.

Hilary said...

"So, I smoked my one fish..." <--- explains much. Just how do you keep it from soaking through the rolling papers?

Sylvia K said...

Well that got my day off to a great start! Like Rose, I spewed coffee so now I have to clean up! I'm ready to get my day going now, too! And I do hope that guy tasted better than he looks! That is indeed one UGLY fish!!

Have a great weekend -- see if you can catch a better looking fish next time!


Tall Guy said...

That's one strange looking fish, that I never came across.

The alcohol fumes should have brought back the dead cells to life not the other way around.

Debra said...

FLF...(funny looking fish) LOL!

Blunt Edges said...

honest grayquill ***cough cough*** of course i agree!!!

Betty said...

I don't want to be served anything but the fillet. Coming eye to eye with dinner isn't very appetizing to me. But, to each his own. I guess I'm too squeamish.

Grayquill said...

Michele: John sure did catch a nice one. As for my freaky looking fish – all I can say is it had to swim through Puget Sound to make it to the Snohomish who knows what toxins deformed it. And, of course I missed you.

Bill S: I notice humpy looked a little blue after I caught it but I am not a fish psychologist so knowing I would be no help to his sad state . . . I just killed him. Then it was just a dead fish.

Arkansas Patti: Are you saying Mr. Humpy looks a little off? Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t of eaten it. Fish stories are for sure a part of the whole fishing experience.

Rose: Don’t you think fish for the most part were not given their deserved attention from God during creation in the beauty realm? For sure some fish are more ugly than others. I guess it’s okay to talk behind Mr. Humpy’s back – he is dead after all.

Hilary: You have such a dim view of me – But I think you do have the best explanation. Haven’t you ever heard of Write in the Rain paper? Very water proof.

Sylvia: I am always trying to catch pretty fish – I have to admit one small indiscretion… Oh no, I don’t.

The Survivor: Maybe you need to just get out more. Who knows what kind of fish you might come across.

Debra: LOLFLF – I think that’s a new one maybe Blunt Edges will find it useful – he is really into not using real words.

Blunt Edges: See comment above. And, why wouldn’t you agree? Surely, you are not smirking at me.

Betty: Aren’t you in the middle of catfish country? I would think ugly fish would be common place.

Blunt Edges said...

hahaha...LOLFLF!!! ***notes it down***

now when do i use it...someone plz have a conversation about fish!!!

As the Mind Meanders said...

Somethings fishy...

Anonymous said...

OMG! SMHID!!!Tht's a seriously FLF!! LHO!!! :D

Psst: Got influenced by Blunt Edges...

What I meant to say was- "Oh My God! Scratching my head in disbelief!! That's a seriously Funny Looking Fish!! Laughing my head off!!! :p

Grayquill said...

Blunt Edges: I was pretty sure that you would find that a thing of value.

Mr. Mind: HA HA HA…

Choco: I am so glad you are able to explain yourself. I think you hurt Humpy’s feelings.

Holly Kay said...

That fish does not look real. Are you sure it came from the Snohomish River (and not from Photoshop)? hahahahahahha. Kidding. Just kidding.

Grayquill said...

Holly Kay: Can't get much past you can I?