Taming of the Shrew
Oh bother...I have to take a break from my morning coffee..... I have a live shrew in my living room –UGH! Wait a minute this can't be all bad. My cat can finally be useful. I grabbed the cat put his focus on the small intruder and set myself down to watch his handy work. That pathetic cat only wanted to watch it scurry from corner to corner and gingerly bat at it to make it scurry here and there. Lucky for me little shrews can't see too well and he didn't head for the under part of my couch like a mouse would have. Realizing quickly my cat was useless; I hoped I could at least leave the cat in charge long enough to fetch my favorite mouse/shrew killer, my long handled wire brush. Upon my return trip from the garage the cat had let the shrew escape – I gotta get a real cat someday! The cat was at least useful in letting me know where the four legged, pointy nosed critter was hiding. The little guy had taken refuge under a throw pillow that was sitting squarely on my white carpet and leaning up against my couch - Yikes! - Not a good place to use my mouse killer. In my best shrew pillow lift a flick with the smooth wood part of my brush sent the cute little guy sliding sideways for a tumbling ride onto the hardwood floor. The drama had now left the living room and was cleanly into the open of my dining room floor. The shrew must have known the one act show was coming to an end because when he took his bow my wire brush impaled him square on the head. No blood - just instant death. With the show over my needle nose pliers gave him a ride back from whence he came, into the brush beyond the flower beds. Gee, all that excitement before 7:30. What will this day entail? I am so excited with anticipation!
What an exciting morning you've had already. And the cat probably needs a nap now. What I really want to know, though, is how you managed to take that photograph, complete with shrew and weapons of destruction.
What a way to start this SUNNY day in the northwest! I have to ask the same question as Linda -- how did you manage to take that pic, shrew and weapons of destruction??? Multitalented gentleman you are!! Enjoy this gorgeous weekend!!
I am assuming that is a dead shrew in the picture. I will say a few good thoughts for the little varmint that you murdered and am just glad it was a bloodless bludgeoning.
I have a good mouser you can have. She has a problem with horrific gas but other wise is awesome at the job.
Arkansas Patti
Did you have to kill it? Couldn't you just tame it? Get it? Taming of the Shrew? lol
Oh my those instruments look pretty dangerous - Amrita
This is a test just to see if I can now comment on my OWN Blog - ugh
@ Arkansas Patti: I am trying your fix you suggested.
Amrita: Dangerous to a shrew. ATTENTION ALL SHREWS: STAY OUT OF MY HOUSE
I thought a shrew was a loud obnoxious woman?
Pokey and Gumby were clay characters that had a TV show for years and years
My last cat would have left the poor thing neatly disembowelled and lying on the front door mat for passers-by to admire.
Sheesh, I'm the mug who left a fresh hunk of cheese out every night to stop the resident mouse from nibbling at our cerial - I caught it in a humane trap eventually, and released it down by the river. BIG MISTAKE, he came back and threw a party with all his mates in tow..! I really need to take a leaf out of your book.
High adventure on your post, GQ! Thanks for the smiles. Maybe if the cat were hungrier, it would work at hunting :>).
Thank you for your note and sorry you had difficulty commenting last week. I have been able to comment on blogs recently, although I sometimes get an error message (about cookies or something) on the first try.
erm.... a house cat's quality nowadays has gone down the drain :) My cat also have no idea to kill some mice she ever met. But she's more happy to run after spiders and insects.
Domestication at its best.
:) Hola Grayquill.
yikes! Mice, or shrews, (or are shrews a kind of mice?) are scary when they're in the house, at least to me. But it sounds like you handled it right. You knew just what to do. I probably would have freaked, and then called my dad or one of my brothers to come kill/get rid of it.
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