My first memory of Uncle H, was when I was two years old. My Aunt Ruth, Uncle H, my mother, and myself were traveling to somewhere. If another person was along I cannot confirm yay or nay because I was only two years old and I don’t really remember. My mother tells me we were traveling to Uncle H’s wedding in Kansas, which may or not be true because I was only two years old and I don’t really remember a wedding.
But, I do have one memory. Apparently after traveling all day, we stopped at a hotel or maybe it was a motel, I was only two years old, so I don’t really remember. In the room or rooms there were only two beds. I should add this one other tid bit of information. It is possible that my Uncle H’s fiancée was also with us but I have been unable to confirm this because I was only two years old and I don’t really remember. But, I do remember my mother wanted me to sleep in the same bed as my Uncle H. I hear the reason was they needed the space for the women. I would have nothing to do with that craziness. She says, I screamed and threw a fit that equaled and possible exceeded any two year old’s fit that has ever been thrown. I doubt this to be true because even though I was only two and I don’t really remember, that would be so unlike me to throw a fit. In defense of my mother’s version of the story, I hear two year olds can throw significant fits.
After much bribery, adult manipulation and possible threats of personal bodily harm, my mother was unsuccessful in convincing this two year old to sleep with Uncle H. I end up sleeping in the bed with my mother and my Aunt Ruth. I was only two years old and I can’t remember everything but I can remember looking out from under the covers to see if Uncle H was going to come get me. I stayed awake for a long time just to be sure that I was safe.
Some say, because of my angry two year old fit, Uncle H and his fiancée ended up that night sleeping in the same bed. But I am sure that is not true because even a two year old knew conservative Mennonites would never do that. I am sure Uncle H slept in the car, or on the floor, or some other appropriate place but I was only two years old and I don’t really remember.
So, if my memory is wrong and church rules were broken that night and great sins were committed – it’s not my fault, after all I was only two years old.
I am sorry, Uncle H if I told any secrets but that is exactly how I remember it.
Your memory is pretty sharp for a 2 yr old. I too remeber screaming an d bawling at things which upset me at that age I think.
And its good to protect your identity.
So you facilited a pre-wedding honeymoon for your aunt and uncle. ( I find that so funny) In India one of them would have slept on the floor.
You 've had grea t experiences GQ
Your memory is pretty sharp for a 2 yr old. I too remeber screaming an d bawling at things which upset me at that age I think.
And its good to protect your identity.
So you facilited a pre-wedding honeymoon for your aunt and uncle. ( I find that so funny) In India one of them would have slept on the floor.
You 've had grea t experiences GQ
Whether you remember clearly or not, I'm sure Uncle H is going to give you a pass.
After all, you were only two years old....
Looking forward to hearing more about Uncle H.. perhaps from an older perspective. ;)
What a priceless,delightful story and so well told GQ.
Fits were invented by two year olds, you were very age appropriate with a darn good memory---for a 2 year old.
Bring on more of your Uncle H.
Amrita: Screaming and bawling is part of being two I guess. But you remember it – that’s funny.
Frank: Uncle H did give me permission to post this. And besides, it’s an Uncle’s job to give nephews a pass now and then – Right?
Hilary: I am looking forward to that too.
Arkansas Patti: Thanks – you’re the best!
Whoa GQ...u had too much memory and awareness about church sins for a 2 year old!!!! LOL
I'm sure you must have heard this story...but it is a good and interesting read. Just like I am hearing it from you in person. I've never seen you, but there is a lifelike perception , you know. Your posts these days are so much like conversations. :-)
I can just imagine the weight of guilt you've carried all these years...throwing Uncle H and his fiance into what could possibly be cause for excommunication! But, like you said...you were only two, and don't remember. Makes for a great family story though, and I would guess that you have a heart full of 'em!
Soooo, was it two beds in one room? Orrrr as it one bed in each one of the two rooms. If it was the latter, I bet your uncle was forever grateful, after all they were getting married the next day....I'm just saying...
I was a fit free 2 year old, my tantrums started much later ;)
I'm sure Uncle H slept on the floor, at least that's how I would remember it
GQ, I just love this story! Made me smile all the way through. I could not help but think--he remembers when he was TWO? I can't remember yesterday most of the time ha! Can't wait to hear the rest of the story...
Blessings, have a great Sunday,
I cannot remember that well when I was that young. But I remembered that I could sleep almost anywhere and usually, not next to my mom when I was little :P
I don't remember any tantrums though. People said I was a brooding child.
"I can remember looking out from under the covers to see if Uncle H was going to come get me."
Oh, isn't that JUST how a two year old's mind would work? Too, too funny! Poor Uncle H (grin). I love how you tell a tale, thanks for starting my morning with a smile.
ahhh... so you're the reason Uncle H. HAD TO GET MARRIED!!! 2 funny ~ great post!
Do the fits still work when you want to get your way?! ;)
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